
Available modules

Corporate Sustainability Reporting Manager (ESRA) - Focus: Climate Management

Sustainability report, extended management report, climate reporting, reports on human rights due diligence, diversity report, transparency report, etc. - the legislator is tightening up every corner. This means that companies have a lot to look forward to in terms of sustainability reporting. In our course we teach you the most important basics.

I. Introduction to Sustainability Topics

1. Challenges
2. Driver
3. Explanatory models

II. Introduction to CSRD and EU Taxonomy

1. Growing demands
2. Growing juridification
3. EU Taxonomy
4. CSRD: Regulations: What? For whom? From when?
5. CSRD Architecture

III. Reporting Standards

1. Overview of the Reporting Landscape
2. Insights into GRI and DNK frameworks
3. Comparison CSRD - GRI - DNK

IV. Materiality Analysis

1. Introduction of materiality analysis
2. (Further) development of the concept of materiality
3. Data Collection Methods
4. Data Evaluation

V. Climate Management

1. International framework
2. EU climate targets
3. GHG protocol
4. Climate strategy

VI. Corporate Carbon Footprint

1. Data Consolidation
2. Measures
a) Scope 1
b) Scope 2
c) Scope 3

VII. Six Steps toward a Sustainability Report

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